The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

Let us help you be a Better You and so create a Better World.

The seeds of revolution.

To begin we most start before the beginning. This short article is a brief look at the Ace's, four Ace's, one for each suit or element. The Ace's do not however, represent the elements because no formation has taken place yet, all that there is. is potential. A seed is not a tree it is a potential tree, it contains all that the tree is to become but it is not the tree. This is how we view the Ace, it is potential. When a seed begins to produce a shoot it becomes something else, it is no longer a seed. When action is taken we move away from the Ace.

The Ace alone is waiting for something to happen though it is not passive, nor is it positive, nor is it a balance between the two. It contains both, but is neither, for as yet there is nothing else to relate it to, there is nothing that it can be more positive than and nothing that it can be more passive, or negative than. The mighty Ace stands on the edge of existence and non-existence.

When we find the Ace we know that something is about to open up, that potential is stored. Potential for what will be indicated by the suit: Wands, Swords, Discs or Cups, and which cards are close by or the general nature of the spread or layout of the cards.

With the Ace of Wands the potential would be of a aggressive, outgoing, innovative, enterprising nature. Wands generally are indicative of career issues or projects that involve some form of outward expression. So virility and new business are indicated.

With the Ace of Swords the potential would be for a victory of some kind or a complete change or reversal of thinking. Swords generally are indicative of mental activity, so hopes, dreams and fears are highlighted here. The Ace of Swords then could represent the seeds of a new idea, something will come to mind or you will be able to overcome some mental block.

With the Ace of Discs we are in the passive material realm so we see the potential for material growth. Which could be sudden or something to be worked for, depending on the surrounding cards. One needs to be careful of assuming windfalls because some seeds take many years to bear fruit and then only if nurtured properly throughout.

With the Ace of Cups we arrive at fertility as opposed to the virility of the Wands. We are now in the emotional world of Water, so we see the potential for love and joy or artistic endeavours. The potential for abundance is pictured here so lavish, luxuries, opulence rather than the solidity of the Discs.

The Ace then is, of itself, nothing and yet at the same time it is everything. It is there but you just cannot get hold of it. One needs to take a step forward, to take action or the potential of the Ace will remain only a dream. For there to be a reaction there must first be an action. We will look at action next month, for now it is well to now that, within the universe there is unlimited potential.


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