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Why do we have Wars

Why do we have wars?

Not a difficult question, a harder one to answer would be why do we have peace.

Put simply war is about politics and politics is about power.

If you had any ideas about politics being about helping people you need a reality check. Note I am talking politics not politicians some have grand ideas about helping people but soon realise they cannot do that without power and there the trouble starts.

I did a piece on the cause of climate change and how that was caused by greed. So what about the greed for power. We all want the power to do good but what happens when we just want power, when we are greedy for power, power for its own sake. This, if left unchecked, will eventually lead to war.

So this is why we have wars. Not hard was it.

Well what can we do about it. I am assuming that this will be read or heard by all the worlds leaders. Okay, maybe not. So lets get it on a personal level because we do not have to invade a foreign land to go to war. Many people can be at war with the corporations, media and anybody really. Many times we feel we have been hard done by, scammed and used by others be it people or organizations. I could name dozens or more, and I am sure you can. Sometimes you take action to get back at them, sometimes you realize that there is no point because you cannot win. But does that make you feel any better. So you avoid going to war but is that peace?

I suppose the most often heard of war is the war within your self. Is that war about politics, power or greed. It may be hard to see but yes it is. So do we want to win the war with ourselves and emerge victorious or do we make peace with ourselves both options have been ported around today's media connected world on YouTube and websites and podcasts and all the other apps and platforms that I do not even know about.

So what am I going to say?

Well you do not need to be a guru to know that the war within will eventually show up as war in our lives: in relationships, career, health, day-to-day interactions with others, our businesses, the state of our finances and the cleanliness of our homes.The  way to stop this war is to look at the times when you are not at war and do that. When I’m not at war with myself, I’m engaged with my life, rather than resisting my life. I’m making time for spiritual practice. I’m thanking the Universe/god/spirit for my life. We simply stop fighting. That’s how we stop the war, we stop fighting. We can stop fighting if we take a step back and consciously choose not to engage. This doesn’t mean that we resolve to only think the quiet, calm thoughts. It means that we stop fighting the fact that we’re thinking un-quiet thoughts. We get more committed to living and working with what is true for us, rather than waging war on that which we’ve decided to take a position against. That is all very nice and fluffy I know so I will say it another way. Stay Centred. What does that really mean? I always think of the glyph for the Sun or the circle with a dot in the middle. The dot represents you, the circle represents the world around you and how you see it, after all the only things that exist are our perceptions. So while you are the dot in the centre you have a buffer zone between you and the outside and that incudes your perceptions, anticipations and fears. In this buffer zone you have time to calmly assess and then respond in an appropriate and inner peaceful way. Now when you are not the dot in the centre, you have moved the dot to the edge of the circle then you do not have that buffer zone, the outside hits you full on and now you do not respond, you react and you are at war.

Stay centred and you will be at peace and this will spread to our peace in our lives: in relationships, career, health, day-to-day interactions with others, our businesses, the state of our finances and the cleanliness of our homes, yes I am a bit ashamed at the state of my kitchen, just to show I am not perfect.

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