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Climate Change

I would like to base these chats on the main topic of the day, however, today's topic is one that has been around for some time and will be active for some time to come and that is climate change.
Now there is a lot of debate about climate change, scientific, political and an incredible amount of media sensationalism. There seems to be a sense of the inevitability about it and many views about its cause, the effects and what to do about it.
However, it is not so difficult to understand if you know the one and only cause of climate change and that is GREED.
Greed is an excessive desire more than what is needed or deserved.

Do you need all you have or want?

Do you deserve all you have or want?

There are two very different questions there. The one about need can be answered quit objectively. The other one about deserve is much more subjective.
Now you may be thinking
"You've got a nerve. You are okay in your nice comfortable world what do you know of my situation have you ever experienced poverty?"
Well you are right I am comfortable and content but I have seen poverty in the extreme and seen sights that will never leave me. Also I am not saying you should not want I am talking about wanting more that you need or deserve and I realise that some people feel there is very little chance have getting what they need or deserve.

I am aware that greed is ubiquitous to modern and not so modern society.
The global economy is based on greed.
The business and trade, local, national and international is based on greed.
Politics, local and national is based on greed.
So if we curb greed will all these institutions come crumbling down?
Not necessarily so.
They will still exist. The main result will be a more equitable distribution. A more careing society, much less stress and more peace, wars are also based on greed. Nature will be allowed to recover and climate change will be natural. People will be happy and content.

Big question, how can this be achieved?

Some would say it is in our genes, a useful survival instinct for when there is intermittent shortages so it is natural to be greedy. It is hard to disagree, but in the modern world in all but the direst of circumstances can we not control our basic instincts. We can but the world we live in encourages greed. Can we stave off the media and the hype. Are we just mindless consumers, is it really that difficult to ask simple questions before we buy. Does it matter what other people have, is keeping up with the Jones's really that important. And remember as consumers we hold all the cards, by our actions we can dictate to the world of corporate enterprise what they produce and how. This is why they spend so much money and effort trying to manipulate us into being consumer slaves.
There is a more spiritual messages around greed which I will get into elsewhere but the basic message is actually the same as last week.
Think for yourself be responsible for your actions and desires.

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