The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

Let us help you be a Better You and so create a Better World.

Pluto in Aquarius

So first the pandemic then the inflation and energy crisis, when are we going to get back to normal I hear people say. I say oh please no, not back to normal. Change happens, always has and always will and change is painful but it can be glorious, it all depends on our willingness to accept it or our determination to avoid it, get back to normal. If we fight against it, it will fight back and we will experience pain and suffering. Have you suffered enough yet? In the near future we will be faced with radical change, we will have to adapt or die. This will be first and foremost in the way we, as society are able to reclaim or freedom. Freedom from revolutionary technology, technology that has enslaved us to the point that a large percentage of the population are living as slaves and calling it a release from bondage and drudgery but it is not it is slavery to technology. Think what would happen of all our technology suddenly disappeared? Who would save us, the banks, no, they would be the first to go and take your money with them. The government, no there would be no communication, nothing but panic. Our homes would be in darkness as the energy grids collapsed. We have become so completely dependent on technology that wars are fought in cyberspace, political and corporate manipulation is run by media, dependent on technology. This because we willingly gave away our selves, more of who we are exists in the cloud than in ourselves. If used correctly technology can be a good thing but the sad fact is that technology does not set us free it controls us. In the coming years if we do not develop a new vision for ourselves based on rightness and participation, we will experience a grave and for some a fatal shock. I am not advocating a return to the stone-age or an agrarian level of existence but reclaiming of humanitarian values based on equality and compassion where neighbours are friends an sharing is more important than competition. We are heading for dangerous territory so how can we avoid it? It is not possible but on a individual level, society is made up of individuals so individuals must change, if you want to change the world then change yourself. Though it may seem difficult and scary it is actually natural, it is already within you all you need do is let it out. There may be some who will produce literature and philosophy to help awaken society to a new way of functioning, not all will be right, so be careful not to swap masters, master yourself.

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