The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

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Long Meg and her Daughters

After finally getting the right directions, I arrived, parked right next to this impressive stone circle. There was one other car here but no sign of people, only cows. One black bullock came to investigate my stick and bag, now another one came to say hello.
What do I make of the energy here? Hard to say being pestered by cows, most cows usually want to stay away but these seem quite gregarious. I wonder if they pickup the energies here, probably better than me.
On Long Meg there are spirals carved and some 'unevolved soul' has carved their name also. Next a bunch of motorcyclist arrived and rode round and through the site. After that I was able to get back to meditating and then I connected to the site. I saw hundreds of people, well a lot, and one shaman with seven assistants. What the were doing I could not tell but the Shaman and his assistants were out side the circle and the people inside.
Next I walked to Little Meg. This was a very dilapidated site but strangely energetic. Apparently it was originally a barrow of some sort. I got the feeling that when it was covered one person would be able to crawl inside. I also got 'Message Station' Where the messages would come from I do not know, ancestors or Mother Earth.

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