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Solstice meaning

Saturday 20 June 2020 at 21:43 GMT (22:43 BST).
What does it mean?
The Summer Solstice like the Winter Solstice and the Spring and Autumn Equinox is one of the quarter days which are celebrated in many different way and holds different meaning for different people or groups. But in essence it is the movement from mutable signs to cardinal signs. The word cardinal is derived from the French cardo which means hinge. So cardinal signs are the hinges that connect and direct our lives. It is a time of opening which can be felt as a slow creeking or a sudden Jack in the box flip.
Mutable means subject to change so can go what ever way the wind takes them or go with the flow. Cardinal will then take charge and begin anew. So this time can seem a bit irratic with a sense of being pushed into something. The trick is to figure out what. What have you been dithering about during the mutable sign? because now is the time to jump down from the fence and go for it.

For more information check out the Tides of Life

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