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Negative Thoughts

Question: I usually feel really good about things. However, sometimes I get thoughts (on a deeper level) that one might never imagine a positive person like me thinking, and they are possibly more negative than anything I thought of before my self-study.

Answer: Don't fight this new awareness. The wrong parts of us tell us that a "good" person doesn't have dark thoughts. This causes us to resist the state, which in turn breathes life into it. This is how we fall into the hands of negative states. It is trickery. Learn to watch everything and judge nothing. Stay quiet. All self-harming states must come and go if you will work at this. Lastly, in the light of these lessons, consider Christ's instructions to his disciples that they "resist not evil."

Ordinary self-help advice encourages you to overcome "bad" thoughts using "good" thoughts. But this answer makes it clear: Overcoming "bad" thoughts with "good" thoughts is really an unseen act of resistance! And by resisting "bad" thoughts, you unknowingly strengthen their power over you!

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